最新公告 / Latest News (2023-6-1)



親愛的客人們,本店網站已為大家提供服務三年,十分感激大家對本店的支持及信任。 本店在過去的疫情遇上了不少挑戰,時有未能為部分客人們提供完善的購物體驗,亦有段時間因親屬健康問題,使營運暫時停止服務。本店藉此表示歉意,同時感謝各位一直的耐心等候、體諒及寶貴意見,本店會在未來日子努力改善,為客人們提供更完善的服務。 為了讓客人們於本店購物時更清晰了解流程,本店已更新了下單、出貨、預訂及退款的相關細則。詳情可以透過 ripplexpopple 網店上[商品]中的[最新消息]查閱,亦可以留意本店IG 發佈的最新動態。 .₊̣̇.ෆ˚ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˚ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˚ෆ.₊̣̇.ෆ˚ෆ.₊̣̇. 以下為本店的最新安排: 有關查詢流程的更變,本店有見時有大量客人為對熱門產品或下單細節於本店IG查詢而等候,為了避免客人查詢等候時間過長,本店將增設Line 形式專門接受下單後安排相關的查詢,而本店IG 則只會接受與產品內容相關的查詢。 有關下單流程的更變,本店將只接受從網店下單,客戶必須提供IG用戶名稱從網店下單時登記,以便確認身份,如客戶IG用戶名稱有更改必須向本店另作通知,否則未能確認身份的下單一概作廢處理。另外,任何網店以外的下單將不獲受理,而過往從非網店下單的客戶可以向本店的Line聯絡,並重新調整下單安排。 有關電郵通知的更變,本店或會以電郵形式向客人聯絡、詢問或通知有關寄貨的安排,敬請客人留意本店的電郵發訊。 有關缺貨及絕版貨品安排,由於本店有部份商品已不再有廠商生產或販售,所有缺貨及絕版項目會另外從Line通知客戶,並會安排退款。 ♡ᵕ̈*⑅୨୧ 最後,為感謝各位客人對本店一直支持,本店將會推出感謝祭回饋,減價出清,為本店重新出發向客人提供優惠,詳情請留意本店IG 的最新動態。(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear valued customers, I am writing to express my sincere thanks to you for supporting Ripplexpopple in the past few years. The situation of COVID-19 of the past couple of years had brought many great challenges to Ripplexpopple, certain services caused dissatisfaction to our customers. The shop also paused the online services for a period due to operative difficulties in deliveries. Thus, we are apologizing for the inconvenience caused, while we are grateful for the patients and consideration from you in these tough times, and we will cherish all the valuable advice and improve our services in order to provide a professional shipping experience. In order to provide a more user-friendly services, the shop have made some changes to certain procedure regarding to placing orders, delivery, pre-ordering and refunding details. For more information, please kindly browse the latest announcement from Ripplexpopple online shop or follow our latest stories from Ripplexpopple’s Instagram. The latest arrangement are as follows: To be more efficient, the shop had established LINE for check out inquiry including order updates or shipping information modification, while Instagram DM will now only answer product details. Regarding to order placement, your order will only be process through Ripplexpopple’s online shop. For confirmation of order’s ID, customers must provide their Instagram users name to complete the checkout procedure, any changes to original order’s ID must inform to Ripplexpopple. Any unidentified orders will automatically be considering as cancel order while all fees of that order will not be refunded. Additionally, orders placement for other platform other than Ripplexpopple’s online shop will not be accepted in the future. All pre-existing order placement from other platform shall contact Ripplexpopple’s LINE for order rearrangement. Regarding to the changes of email notification, the shop will contact customers for delivery updates or rearrangement through email notifications, customers may kindly notice the email notifications of Ripplexpopple’s online shop. Regarding to the arrangement of discontinued or out-of-stock products, given certain products are no longer available due to shortage of manufacturer and discontinuation, all customers with orders under the conditions of discontinued or out-of-stock products should contact Ripplexpopple for refund. Lastly, with the gratitude to all customers’ patient and support for Ripplexpopple in these tough times, Ripplexpopple is excited to announce a series of promotion for our customers, please kindly notice the latest stories from Ripplexpopple’s IG for more information. Thank you for choosing Ripplexpopple.
