免費會員註冊方法 Register Guideline / 商品分類 Product Sorting / 下單流程 Order Placing



💠免費會員註冊方法 Register Guideline💠 1️⃣第一次來購物的客人,可以在網站右上角點擊註冊 For new customer, please press "sign up" on the right hand corner. 2️⃣選擇日後的登入方法,建議使用Facebook / Google Choose your future login method, Facebook/Google is recommended 3️⃣輸入你的用戶名稱(隨意即可) 及 常用電郵地址 Enter your username (name you want to display) and your frequently use email address ☆═━┈┈ ★═━┈┈☆═━┈┈ ★═━┈┈ 💠商品分類 Product Sorting💠 1️⃣點解左上角的 "商品" Click "Products" in the upper left corner 2️⃣選擇你感興趣的類別 例如 對美少女戰士感興趣,點擊魔法少女系列 Select the category you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in Sailor Moon, click on the "Maho Shojo" 3️⃣選擇你感興趣的作品 Choose the Series you are interested in 4️⃣所有與你感興趣的商品就會顯示出來,請盡情購物❤️ All the products you are interested in will be displayed, please enjoy shopping❤️ ☆═━┈┈ ★═━┈┈☆═━┈┈ ★═━┈┈ 💠下單流程 Order Placing 💠 1️⃣揀選欲購買的款式 及 數量 Choose the style and quantity you want to buy 2️⃣點擊"立即訂購" Click "Order Now" 3️⃣確認價錢,然後按結算 Confirm the price, and press Checkout 4️⃣確認預計發貨日期(實際發貨日期視乎廠商發貨時間) 詳細可查閱 下單流程 ➕ 下單須知 Confirm the estimated delivery date (the actual delivery date depends on the manufacturer) For more details, please refer to the order process ➕ order note 5️⃣選擇送貨方式 1. 香港 2. 中國/台灣/澳門 3. 其他國家/地區 Choose the delivery method 1. Hong Kong region 2. China/Taiwan/Macau region 3. Others 6️⃣輸入收件人資料 1. 收件人姓名 2. 經常使用的電子郵件地址 3. 經常使用的電話號碼 4. 完整的送貨地址 (單位 大廈 街道 地區 城市 國家) Enter the Shipping information 1. Receiver Name 2. Frequently use Email Address 3. Frequently use Phone Number 4. Full Shipping Address e.g. Flat A, 10/F, ABC Building, CDE Street, District, City , Country 7️⃣選擇付款方法(店主帳戶會在確認訂單後顯示) 1. PayMe (手機應用程式) 2. 銀行轉帳 如果您選擇paypal/其他付款方式,請選擇任一方式。然後通過Instagram找到我們並提供您的訂單#(將在"確認購買"後顯示)並完成付款。 Choose Payment method(Shop owner bank account will be showed after purchase) 1. PayMe (Mobile App) 2. Bank Transfer If you choose paypal / other payment method, please choose either method.Then find us via Instagram with your order#(Will be shown after purchase) to finish the payment. 8️⃣確認訂單詳情(店主帳戶會在確認訂單後顯示) Double check order details. Shop owner bank account will be showed after purchase. 9️⃣完成下單,準備付款 Completed the order and get ready to pay for your items 🔟購物收據會發送到你的電郵,請匯款至相應的帳戶,再上傳你的匯款紀錄,你也可以在右上角點擊你的會員名稱,點擊訂單紀錄,上載付款收據/紀錄 The shopping receipt will be sent to your email, please deposit the money to the corresponding account, and then upload your remittance record, you can also click on your member name in the upper right corner, click on the order history, and upload the payment receipt/record 1️⃣1️⃣店主確認收到款項後,你將會收到訂單確認的電郵,店主會在預定發貨日將貨物郵遞給你,麻煩屆時留意相關的物流信息,以便快遞能順利派送 After Ripplexpopple confirms receipt of the payment, you will receive an order confirmation email, and Ripplexpopple will send the products to you on the scheduled delivery date. Please pay attention to the relevant logistics information at that time, so that the products can be delivered smoothly. 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽 有關更多下單詳細,請往下拉 For more order placing details, please scroll down 🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽🔽



⭕️ 網站下單時 👉🏻  備註Instagram名稱

⭕️ 上傳入數紙/匯款紀錄👉🏻 備註填上訂單編號

⭕️ 完成轉帳後,請upload 轉帳截圖 或 入數紙相片。

⭕️ 如果客人以網站會員下單⚡️ 店主能更快幫客人處理訂單喔❤️❤️

⭕️ 店主收到貨物後14天內發貨。特殊情況例如: 廠家發貨配率不足 / 廠家延遲發貨,將延遲發貨,恕不個別通知,詳細請緊貼instagram公告。

⭕️ 成功下單的基準為收到店主確認訂單的電郵。



⭕️ 所有訂單(現貨或預訂)落單付款後一律不設退換

⭕️ 恕不接受急單。如有店主加單,將會在instagram發佈。

⭕️ 商品瑕疵如屬廠家問題 (溢色 / 造工瑕疵 / 色差),恕不負責。

⭕️ 臨近發貨日期請留意網站發出的電郵,以確保能順利收貨。任何派送不成功而產生的費用將由客人支付。發貨後60天內沒有完成派送,將被視為放棄產品,本店不會作另行通知,亦不會進行退款。

⭕️ 圖片只供參考,一律以實物為準。商品最終發貨日期 / 價格 / 尺寸 以官方網站為準。

⭕️ 現貨價格比預訂價格高屬正常情況,敬請留意預訂資訊。

⭕️ 如先到貨物與後到貨物時間到貨時間相距甚遠/到貨地點不一致,會先寄出先到貨物,不作合併動作。恕不另外通知。

⭕️ 下單前請先閱讀退貨條款及下單須知。客人遞交或確認訂單即表示明白並接受商品描述 、購物條款及細則。


出貨方法 🚚


Worldwide - Please use one of transfer store in Hong Kong. Direct to customer is not supported.




***澳幣付款匯率為 (港幣*1.03) + 25港幣手續費

***台灣客人需自行下載「EZ WAY易利委」手機APP進行實名認證,並留意APP內信息通知,不作另外通知

🚚 除非商品在運送過程中有 破損 或 缺貨,否則不設退換或退款,如有查詢,請聯絡本店。

🚚 如需更改地址,請自行與快遞公司聯絡,任何因聯繫不上收件人而導致的銷毀,恕不負責。

🚚 特殊情況下,例如:寄失/發錯貨,請於14天內聯絡本店,逾期恕不跟進。


有關預訂商品 ⚠️

⭕️ 預訂商品需預付訂單總額的半數或以上作訂金確認訂單,如果遇缺貨則缺貨品的訂金*(信用卡手續費除外)退回。

⭕️ 預訂商品的尾數需在限期內支付,如限期內尚未支付,將被視為放棄產品,本店不會作另行通知,亦不會進行退款。

⭕️ 錯過訂購時間後加入的訂單也不獲接納,扣除HKD50行政費後原額退回(如PayPal付款則需要額外扣回相應手續費)。

⭕️ 已過預訂時間之貨物不作另行代尋。

⭕️ 預訂產品會於發售當地集運出貨,需時約2-4星期。


❗️❗️ 疫情特別注意 ❗️❗️



Order process ✔️

⭕️ When placing an order on the website 👉🏻 Remark Instagram name.

⭕️ Upload the payment record 👉🏻 paste order number on note.

⭕️ If the customer places an order as a website member⚡️, the owner can help the customer process the order faster ❤️❤️.

⭕️ Ship the goods within 14 days after the owner receives the goods. Special circumstances such as: Insufficient delivery ratio of the manufacturer / delayed delivery by the manufacturer, the delivery will be delayed without individual notice, please follow the instagram announcement for details.

⭕️ The benchmark for a successful order is to receive an email from the shop owner confirming the order.


Order Notes ✔️

⭕️ All orders (spot or pre-order) will not be refunded after payment.

⭕️ Rush orders are not accepted. If there is an additional order from the shop owner, it will be posted on instagram.

⭕️ If the defect of the product is a manufacturer's problem (color overflow / workmanship defect / color difference), we will not be responsible.

⭕️ Please pay attention to the email sent by the website as the delivery date is approaching to ensure smooth delivery. Any costs incurred due to unsuccessful delivery will be paid by the customer. If the delivery is not completed within 60 days after delivery, it will be regarded as abandonment of the product, and the store will not give further notice, and will not refund.

⭕️ Pictures are for reference only, and the actual product shall prevail. The final delivery date / price / size of the product is subject to the official website.

⭕️ It is normal that the spot price is higher than the reservation price, please pay attention to the reservation information.

⭕️ If the arrival time of the first-arriving goods and the later-arriving goods are far apart/arrival locations are inconsistent, the first-arriving goods will be sent first, and no merging will be performed. Without further notice.

⭕️ Please read the return policy and order instructions before placing an order. Submitting and/or confirming the order means that the customer understands and accepts the product description, shopping terms and conditions.


Shipping method 🚚

Our store only supports delivery in China, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong. For overseas customers, please find a local warehouse for forwarding.

Worldwide - Please use one of transfer store in Hong Kong. Direct to customer is not supported.

The shipping fee is paid by "SF Express". After the shipment, you will receive a SMS notification from SF Express. Please pay close attention to the SMS when the delivery date is approaching. The delivery service is subject to the terms of SF Express.

The shipping cost depends on the size and weight of the package, please consider it yourself. >>SF Smart Locker Address<<

***Customers from Mainland China/Taiwan, please note your ID number when placing an order

*** MOP payment exchange rate is (HKD*1.03) + HKD 25 handling fee

***Taiwanese customers need to download the "EZ WAY" mobile APP for real-name authentication, and pay attention to the information notification in the APP, no further notice will be made

🚚 Unless the product is damaged or out of stock during delivery, no return or refund will be accepted. If you have any inquiries, please contact our store.

🚚 If you need to change the address, please contact the courier company yourself, and we will not be responsible for any destruction caused by not being able to contact the recipient.

🚚 In special circumstances, such as: lost/wrong goods, please contact our store within 14 days, and we will not follow up after the deadline.


About pre-order items ⚠️

⭕️ Pre-payment of half or more of the total order amount is required to confirm the order. If the product is out of stock, the deposit * (except credit card handling fee) will be refunded.

⭕️ The mantissa of the ordered product must be paid within the time limit. If the payment has not been made within the time limit, it will be regarded as abandonment of the product. The store will not give further notice and will not refund.

⭕️ Orders added after the missed order time will not be accepted, and the original amount will be refunded after deducting the HKD50 administration fee (if PayPal payment, an additional corresponding handling fee will be deducted).

⭕️ Goods that have passed the scheduled time will not be searched separately.

⭕️ Pre-ordered products will be shipped in the local area where they are released, and it will take about 2-4 weeks.


❗️❗️ Special attention to the epidemic ❗️❗️

Under the epidemic situation, orders may be delayed due to various circumstances, and the actual delivery date is subject to the manufacturer's news.
